I know most people find classic literature a chore, even those of us
that generally love reading, and honestly it’s easy to see why:
Grappling with ‘ye olde pantaloons’ language can be confusing and
a lot of people get bored with plots that seems to be nothing but
ladies fanning themselves and wandering around in crinolines. I’m
the same and used to be very dismissive of classic literature, but
over the years I’ve read my fair share and can now say that I while
I certainly haven’t enjoyed all of them, there are a lot that I
have really loved and a few that I would count amongst my most
treasured books. I put it down to the way in which I now select and
approach classics, so if you’ve always been apprehensive of them,
or have tried and disliked them in the past I thought I’d come up
with a few tips and tricks that I think would help anyone looking to
try out classic literature.
01. Pick the sort of book
you enjoy. Seems like a no brainer right? Well you’d think so
but this is something I see a lot of people overlook. What you enjoy
in a modern book is probably the same thing you will want from a
classic. If your ideal book is an immersive crime thriller, the
frilly gossipy world of Pride and Prejudice is probably not
going to be something you’ll enjoy. Conversely if you love a good,
girly romance, the Sherlock Holmes stories are unlikely to be
your cup of tea.
You might think that classics lack the sort of
gripping action and human drama that you love in modern books, but
you would be surprised. Don’t believe me? A monk who is drawn into
and consumed by a forbidden world of lust, violence and black magic
by a girl who sneaks into the monastery disguised as a young boy.
Sound good? You’ll like The Monk by Matthew Gregory Lewis.
Beautiful sweet story about a boy growing up in Edwardian England
trying to come to terms with his love for another man in a world
that would call him sick and sinful, anyone? Read Maurice by
EM Forster. How about a young woman who falls in love and gets
married, only to find herself haunted by the vengeful ghost of her
husband’s first wife? That’s Rebecca by Daphne Du
Maurier. There are plenty of amazing books in the classics section,
it doesn’t start with Austen and end with Dickens.
02. Be mindful of form. This is a nice
cheaty one. What I mean here is some classics aren’t supposed to
be read. If anyone talks smugly about how much Shakespeare they’ve
read, you have my unreserved permission to give them a good clip
round the ear. Shakespeare wrote plays, they were supposed to be
performed, not read in text form! Having done a Shakespeare module
at university I can tell you that reading the script barely
scratches the surface of the sheer genius that is some of his work.
The text can’t capture the eeriness of watching Lady Macbeth
sleepwalk through the castle, trying to claw imaginary blood off her
hands, and you’ll never belly laugh just reading the end of A
Midsummer Night’s Dream in which the actors at Theseus and
Hippolyta’s wedding bumble through a production of ‘Pyramus and
Thisbe’, a supposedly epic love story that’s a car crash of
soppy clichés, accidental smuttiness and bad acting. What I’m
saying here is if you want to ‘read’ Shakespeare, or Marlowe or
Arthur Miller, don’t read it! Watch it instead! I promise you it
will be easier to understand and far more enjoyable which, at the
end of the day, is what these writers wanted their audience to get
from their work. Another great idea is a modern adaptation in which
the same dialogue is used but in a modern setting. David Tennant in
the film adaptation of Hamlet is a perfect example. You would be
amazed how easily 16th Century speech can be understood when the
person talking speaks naturally and is in a context we can
03. Don’t worry about not
understanding. There are often a lot of dense narrative passages
and references to things you might not understand because of the time
period but it’s no reason to give up. Reading Maurice, written in
the 18th Century, I often came across bits of speech or words that I
didn’t understand, but with a bit of googling and the ability to
just shrug and move on to the next line I persevered and it is now
one of my favourite books. If you are worried, start with books that
are more recent and work backwards as you become more confident.
Daphne Du Maurier, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Vladimir Nabokov, H.P
Lovecraft and Evelyn Waugh are all great writers who published mostly
in the first half of the 20th Century and the language isn’t really
any different from how we speak now so it’s one less thing to deal
04. If you’re really not enjoying a book,
stop reading it. I’ll let you into a little secret. I didn’t
really like Pride and Prejudice. I didn’t enjoy Catcher
in the Rye. I have never actually finished anything written by
Charles Dickens. His stuff just bores me to tears and that’s ok! He
doesn’t care! He’s one of the most revered British writers of all
time! Also he’s dead, what’s it to him that one little bookseller
with a lit degree doesn’t think much of his books? The thing about
these well-known classics is that they seep into popular culture and
become this thing that all educated, well-read people have to read,
understand and enjoy but the truth is they’re just like any other
books, you just aren’t going to get on with all of them! This harks
back a little to my first point. Ultimately to really allow yourself
to enjoy classic literature, you need to stop seeing them as these
fusty, highbrow works and start seeing them for what they are.
They’re just stories, written by people who wanted to make you
laugh or cry or to teach you something, and some you’ll like and
some you won’t. There aren’t any that you HAVE to read, whatever
book snobs tell you. I’ve tried a lot of the so called ‘canon
classics’ but it was only when I stopped thinking about what other
people had said about the books and simply went for stories I thought
I’d enjoy that I began to find books that really spoke to me and
stayed with me.
05. A few of my favourites. Ok not
necessarily a ‘tip’ but I thought I’d share a few of my
absolute favourites with you that you may not have heard of – just
to get you started breaking away from the obvious choices.
– E.M Forster. A young man struggles with his homosexuality in a
time period in which it is considered a sinful disease. Incredibly
sweet and very sad.
Necromicon – H.P Lovecraft. A collection of
horror and sci-fi stories, all of them beautifully constructed and
chilling to the bone, some are actually scarier than modern horror.
– Vladamir Nabokov. The story of a man’s sexual obsession for his
young step-daughter, might be a bit uncomfortable but the language is
just divine. This guy weaves words like no one else.
and South – Elizabeth Gaskell. Young, clever
middle class Margaret Hale moves from the south to the industrialised
north of Victorian England and deals with the horrible class divide
between the maltreated factory workers and the seemingly cruel owners
and meets people from both sides of the struggle. Also a nice bit of
fiery romance too. What I wanted Pride and Prejudice to be.
Lear – Shakespeare.(play) An old king is
manipulated and betrayed by two of his three daughters, very intense
and incredibly cruel and tragic. I utterly adore it. There are some
good productions available free online.
So those are my tips and tricks for reading and enjoying classical literature, hopefully if you’ve been put off in the past you might find this useful and feel a little more confident giving the classics a try.
So those are my tips and tricks for reading and enjoying classical literature, hopefully if you’ve been put off in the past you might find this useful and feel a little more confident giving the classics a try.
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