Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Species of Spaces: An Introduction

This is how space begins, with words only, signs traced on the blank page.”
Georges Perec
Welcome to our blank page. 

Firstly, I'd like to introduce myself. I am Matt Smith, Bookshop Manager at Waterstones Camberley. I'm also the chief editor of the blog you find yourself on, W First Edition. As the head of this little project, I could've picked any title for myself, but settled on chief editor for its professional sounding nature (and King of Books is probably too grandiose).

I've dedicated the last 10 years of my life to Waterstones, and as a reward I've found myself surrounded by books and those who love them every day. To try and name my favourite authors or novels would be an exercise in exhaustion, with too many to share, but at a push I'd have to say Truman Capote. My reason for starting this project is to expand our connection with customers to the magic tubes of the internet, to be able to reach out and interact with readers wherever they are. Outside of Waterstones, I'm an avid record collector, the more experimental the better, and part-time, semi-retired, sub-par amateur stand up comedian.

Joining me in this venture are three colleagues, chosen for their individual talents. This team will be the core of the blog, but there will be input from other colleagues across the region. I'd like to introduce Craig, Isabelle and Jamie now. 

Craig has been a bookseller with Waterstones since 2007, starting his career in Bracknell and transferring to Windsor in 2015. During that time he has explored many forms of literature, but his loves will always be Horror and Science Fiction. Craig has an avid interest in media and film, and will be creating new media material for W First Edition

Isabelle is the lead barista at Waterstones Newbury. She spends most of her work day scalding herself and taking pictures of dogs that visit the cafe for the shops Instagram. She worships at the altar of Margaret Atwood and reads a mix of classics, literary fiction and trashy fantasy. In her spare time she can be found playing video games, emailing her grandma, walking into things while playing Pokemon Go! and reorganising her bookshelf. 

Jamie is a senior bookseller at the Bracknell store and recently became deputy buyer for the local shops. An ex sci-fi/fantasy elitist, Jamie's current obsessions are Japanese literature and biscuits, the second best invention beginning with B. 

Our aim in founding W First Edition is to create a haven for readers, much like our space on the high street. Where our tastes and stores may vary considerably, we do share a passion for books. Books are our love, and our lives, and this has brought us together as a team to establish this blog. A space, for those in front of the tills and behind them, to revel in the majesty of the written word.

We will be updating regularly every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, with the occasional extra piece here and there. We'd also love contributions from you, our customers. If you have any questions, comments, reviews, short stories, long stories or any other enquiries, don't hesitate to get in touch with us in the comments section below or via email at wfirstedition@gmail.com 

I do hope you'll join us as we turn this blank page into a space of our own.

Matt Smith
Chief Editor & Book Shop Manager, Camberley

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